Cheap student accommodation in Brisbane

As a student, finding affordable accommodation can be a challenge, especially in big cities like Brisbane. With the rising cost of living, it’s important to find a place to live that is affordable, comfortable, and meets your needs. Luckily, there are a variety of options available for cheap student accommodation in Brisbane. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most affordable student accommodation options in Brisbane and provide tips on how to find a place that is right for you.

On-campus accommodation

Many universities and colleges offer on-campus accommodation for students. This type of accommodation is often the most convenient and affordable option, as it is located on or near the campus and includes amenities such as internet access, laundry facilities, and common areas for socializing.

On-campus accommodation typically ranges from shared dormitory-style rooms to self-contained apartments, depending on the university.

Off-campus shared housing

Sharing accommodation with other students is a great way to save money on rent and utilities. Many students in Brisbane opt for shared housing arrangements, where they split the rent and living expenses with roommates. Off-campus shared housing options can include apartments, townhouses, and houses.

Websites like Gumtree and can help you find a shared housing arrangement that suits your needs and budget.

Homestay accommodation

Homestay accommodation is a great option for students who want to live with a local family while studying abroad. This type of accommodation offers an immersive cultural experience and can be a great way to improve your language skills.

Homestay accommodation can also be affordable, as many families offer room and board for a reasonable fee. Websites like can help you find a homestay arrangement in Brisbane.

Student housing cooperatives

Student housing cooperatives are non-profit organizations that provide affordable housing to students. Cooperatives are run by the residents, who share responsibility for the day-to-day management of the property. This type of accommodation can be a great option for students who want to live in a close-knit community and participate in communal living.

Websites like Student Housing Australia can help you find a student housing cooperative in Brisbane.

Private rental accommodation

Private rental accommodation can be a more expensive option, but it can also offer greater flexibility and privacy. Private rentals can include apartments, townhouses, or houses, and can be found through real estate agents or online listings.

When searching for private rental accommodation, it’s important to factor in additional costs such as bond payments and utility bills.

Tips for finding cheap student accommodation in Brisbane:

  • Start your search early: The earlier you start looking for accommodation, the more options you will have.
  • Set a budget: Determine how much you can afford to spend on rent and utilities and stick to your budget.
  • Consider your priorities: Do you value proximity to campus, amenities, or affordability? Determine what is most important to you and prioritize accordingly.
  • Be flexible: Consider different types of accommodation and locations to find the best deal.
  • Research the area: Research the neighborhood and check for things like transportation options and local amenities.

In conclusion, finding cheap student accommodation in Brisbane may seem challenging, but with the right approach, it is possible to find a place to live that is affordable and meets your needs. Whether you choose on-campus accommodation, off-campus shared housing, homestay accommodation, student housing cooperatives, or private rental accommodation, be sure to do your research and factor in additional costs to avoid any unexpected expenses. With the right planning and budgeting, you can find a place to live in Brisbane that allows you to focus on your studies and enjoy your time in the city.